Automotive Restraint Fitters

Automotive Restraint Fitters

5/5.00 1 based on reviews


Last updated 05/16/2024 @ 13:45:18

Automotive Restraint Fitters

About Automotive Restraint Fitters

Automotive Restraint Fitters Australia is a leading aftermarket child restraint systems and seatbelt equipment provider. With unmatched expertise since 1988, we supply high-quality products to licensed mechanics and fitting stations across Australia. What sets us apart is our commitment to ensuring every vehicle on Australian roads is equipped with a safe travel system.

Our extensive range of restraints, seatbelts, and accessories is shipped nationwide. We take pride in supplying and fitting our products at our workshop. The NSW RMS approves our authorised fitting station, where our experienced professionals professionally install, inspect, and adjust restraints. Choose us for your restraint, seatbelt, and custom-fitting needs.


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Ali don123 1 week ago 5.00/5.00


It's precisely designed for a perfect fit specifically for the Kia Sportage, ensuring seamless integration. Hyundai Tucson

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