Homary Furniture

Homary Furniture

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Last updated 09/28/2022 @ 11:40:38

About Homary Furniture

Homary is an international online home improvement and decor platform, connecting millions of consumers with worldwide recognized top manufacturers. We are committed to providing the most exquisite home products in the best quality and the most diversified ranges at affordable prices since 2012.

Professionalism: marketing, e-commerce, product design, supplies and customer service… We are multi-business which means multi-skills. Agile, convinced that our abilities flourish much better in a dynamic, flexible and positive environment that promotes career opportunities. Multi-skills, multi-choice in fact.

Respect: for our employees, their diversity and that of our customers. We work to create a company where it is good to live and attach. Research that pushes us to question the vast world and the smaller one of our habits. To renew sometimes and improve often!

Eco-responsible and societal commitment: with our program, Just under the wood. That is to say the desire to design furniture that lasts forever, while giving back to the planet all that we owe it forever.

You understood, everything comes from there! If we are at your service, you return it well, by your enthusiasm for our collections, our customer service and our inspirations. That's what we call a good duo! We imagine, create, enhance, you encourage us, we congratulate what motivates us to start again collection after collection, with affection as a compass:

Complicity: by guessing what you would be happy to have in your interior tomorrow and offer it to you with materials and shapes that turn a passing desire into a desire for life.

Listening: Distributing our furniture only via the internet gives us the advantage of having almost instantaneous customer feedback.
It is thanks to this daily work on customer reviews that we improve your satisfaction and our products every day.

Proximityon: social networks and our blog. If we are looking for the “like” we are above all looking for the “heart”. We want a brand that makes you dream, smile and live as long as premium teak. Arm in arm once again, for long and beautiful years. Wonderfully furnished, wonderfully surrounded.

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