Servicing your gas ducted heating service is vitally crucial for the protection of your entire family’s overall health and well-being in the winter months. With summer coming to an end, the long chilly nights are just around the corner and now this is the time to check in with your residence’s gas heating system. Having your gas heater serviced once every year is mandatory in order to ensure that your system is in top working condition before the winter finally hits. Regular servicing and maintenance significantly reduce the overall risk of exposure to harmful carbon monoxide.
How Can Gas Heating from the Gas Ducted Heating Service Affect Your Health?
With 82 per cent of households in Australis using mains gas as a domestic energy source, this is vital that Australians understand the overall risks and also take proper precautions. The faulty gas appliances have the potential to leak carbon monoxide (CO) which is nothing less than life-threatening if inhaled continuously.
CO produced by the gas is poisonous for living organisms, including plants and animals. Children, as well as the elderly people who are already suffering from health conditions, can be affected even at very low concentrations of carbon monoxide.
Every year there are several deaths from Carbon monoxide poisoning in Australia. Throwing some light on this fact, Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week is being held every year in order to raise awareness of the serious risk which is presented by not properly maintained and poorly monitored gas appliances like gas ducted heating service in your house.
This specific initiative is a very crucial reminder to get your gas ducted heating service maintained and serviced ahead of the winter. The prolonged exposure time even it is at lower concentrations of CO are very harmful.
How Can This Risk Be Minimized?
Any form of gas system which is installed in the kitchen and pantries should necessarily understand the overall warning signs and risks of carbon monoxide poisoning and have a qualified professional check for any leaks of carbon monoxide at least once annually and get the regular servicing done even if there is no visible issue in your gas ducted heating service. This specifically applies to the other gas appliances in your home as well as the space heaters, wall furnaces, central heating systems, etc.
How Can You Arrange for a Carbon Monoxide Check Session?
You can get in touch with the various CO testing centres in Australia who will thoroughly check your gas ducted heating service, diagnose the problems and get the right solution for the same as well.
The gas ducted heating service if not maintained and serviced in regular intervals can cause allergies to your family members due to the dust collected in the duct. One can suffer from coughing, sneezing and watery eyes when a heated space suggests the requirement for a gas ducted heating service. The homes in Melbourne are vulnerable to allergens as most of them have ducted heating service installed in them. The persistent allergic reactions to central heating can be traced to debris entering the indoor environments through the ducted heating vents. The most common allergens which can cause harm are dust mite particles, animal dander, insect droppings, mildew, and mould. Needless to say, such harmful allergens do have certain adverse effects on you and your family’s health. For example, the dust mite allergy can trigger health conditions like asthma and the kids are most susceptible to such conditions.
This discussion certainly focuses on the importance and significance of the proper and regular maintenance of the gas ducted heating service installed in your house. So, if you have been ignoring the same for some time now, this is high time to get this checked for your own good.