We all know about the spacious kitchen and majestic master bedroom with ensuite, but how much thought do you give to the importance of roof types? Obviously ‘keeping the roof above your head’ is crucial, but most people don’t realise how important all those various roof styles are to the overall look and performance of your Brisbane home.
Sure, they keep us dry and shade us from the rain, and you might think the only thing that matters is whether it ticks the technical and economic boxes. But did you know there are at least a dozen and actually many more different roof types Australia wide? Sometimes, designers will opt for one roof type and combine it with another, or recommend something that will really work just for your particular home style or preferences.
Want to know what the best and most aesthetically awesome roof types are in beautiful Brisbane and beyond? We’re proud to present our personal favourites:
Boring? Bad for drainage? Think again. Actually, the flat types of roofs are still one of the most widespread and popular – especially in modern homes. Affordable, clean lines, and – contrary to popular belief – probably the best for repelling run-off and debris as they aren’t actually perfectly flat at all.
Want flat … with a twist? Add a bit of pitch and you’ve got the skillion roof type – which looks amazing and uber-fresh and modern, too. Normally, it’s actually an add-on to the main roof, and even easier to maintain than a flat roof.
Want skillion … but even more skillion?! That’s what we call a butterfly roof, which is basically two skillions side-by-side for an amazing aesthetic treat. Sure, it’s more complex to put together and you need to look after it a bit, but wow does it look great and it’s a great solution for easy drainage, too.
If you want to go all 2022 on us, though, please consider a contemporary curved roof. It will stand out from the crowd in your coastal area in particular but – honestly – it’s one of the roof designs Australia wide that makes everyone’s eyes pop all of the time.
If you’re a bit more ‘old school’, on the other hand, don’t worry: the triangular gabled roof is still very much ‘in’ even if you don’t intend to exploit the potential for a really cool attic space. Believe it or not, the cost of this genre of roof styles is extremely accessible, you’ll just need to watch out for leaks after a few years.
Of all the different roof types, the hipped roof is perhaps the least well known. Actually, just picture a single ridge at the top – like a ridged top of a steep mountain – and then the pitched planes that slope downwards towards the gutters. For protection, structural integrity and more, it’s currently more than trendy, especially with modern styling.