How To Stop Possums Running On The Roof

Pest Control

How To Stop Possums Running On The Roof

Possums are nocturnal animals and are attracted to areas that are well-lit at night. If you have a possum running on your roof, it is likely because it is attracted to the lights in your home. To stop a possum from running on your roof, you will need to make your home less attractive to the animal. How to stop possums running on the roof?

Here are some tips to help you do this: 

1. Turn off all lights inside your home at night. This includes porch lights, floodlights, and any other light that is visible from the outside.

 2. Close all blinds and curtains at night so that possums cannot see inside your home. 

3. Remove any food sources that may be attracting possums to your property. This includes pet food, garbage, and bird seed. 

4. Seal up any openings in your home that possums could use to get inside. This includes gaps around doors and windows and holes in your roof or foundation. 

5. If you have a possum living in your attic, you will need to remove it before you can seal up the opening. Possums are protected by law in some states, so be sure to check your local laws before taking any action.

Following these tips, you should be able to stop possums from running on your roof.

Here are some points to stop possums running on the roof:-

1. Prune trees and shrubs around your home so they are not touching the roof. 

2. Install a physical barrier such as a wire mesh fence around the perimeter of your roof.

3. Install an ultrasonic sound device on your roof. 

4. Use a motion-activated sprinkler system to deter possums from entering your roof space.

 5. Place a Possum Box in your roof space.

 6. Use a Repellent product to deter possums away from your roof.

 7. Contact your local council or a pest control company to discuss possum control options.

Let’s discuss these points on how to stop possums running on the roof 

1. Possums are nocturnal creatures, so they are most active at night. If you hear them running on your roof, the best time to try to discourage them is late at night or early in the morning.

2. Make sure there is no food source that is attracting the possums to your property. If you have pets, make sure their food and water dishes are not left outside. Pick up any fallen fruit from trees and keep garbage cans tightly closed.

3. Trim trees and shrubs around your home so the possums can't use them as a highway to your roof.

4. Possums are good climbers, so a physical barrier is often the best way to keep them off your roof. So, install a possum-proof fence around your property, making sure the fence is at least 6 feet tall.

5. If you have a chimney, make sure it is capped off so the possums can't get into your home that way.

6. Possums like dark, quiet places. If you have a possum living in your attic or under your porch, the best way to get rid of it is to make the area less appealing to them. Install bright lights in the area and make some noise (such as playing music or television) to encourage the possum to find somewhere else to live.

7. You can also purchase a live trap to catch the possum and then release it far away from your property. Be sure to check your local laws before doing this, as it is illegal to trap and relocate possums in some areas.

8. If you have a serious possum problem, you may need to hire a professional pest control company to help get rid of them.

9. Possums are protected under state and federal law, so it is important to know the laws in your area before taking any action to get rid of them.

10. In some cases, it may be possible to get a permit to kill a possum that is causing damage to your property. However, this should only be done as a last resort and you should always check with your local wildlife officials first. Possums do not generally cause any danger to humans, but they can carry diseases that can be harmful to pets and livestock. If they bite or scratch you, seek medical attention immediately.

11. Possums can also be a nuisance to farmers as they will eat crops and damage property. If you are having problems with possums on your farm, you may be able to get a permit to trap and relocate them.

12. You can also discourage possums from being on your property by making it less attractive to them. Remove any sources of food and water and keep your property clean and tidy.

13. Finally, remember that possums are wild animals and should be treated with caution. Never try to handle a possum yourself, as they can be aggressive and may bite or scratch you. If you must trap a possum, be sure to wear gloves and use a large, sturdy trap.

14. If you have any further questions about possums or need help getting rid of them, contact your local wildlife officials or a professional Possum Removal Service In Brisbane company to stop possums running on the roof.

15. If you have a possum living in your attic or under your porch, the best way to get rid of it is to make the area less appealing to them. Install bright lights in the area and make some noise (such as playing music or television) to encourage the possum to find somewhere else to live.


If you are thinking about How to stop possums running on the roof? Then we advise you to hire the best & effective pest or possum control services in your area. They have a great experience & knowledge to remove possum from your home & garden.  

Have A Look At Our Blog:- Do Ultrasonic Devices Repel Possums From Roof Spaces

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