Couches are one of the main investments in your house. They cost us a lot and they need to be cleaned regularly. There are many reasons due to which the couches can get stained. Some stains can be very stubborn and can damage the couch if they are not cleaned on time. Some of the most common stains are pet urine stains. In case you have pets in your house, these stains can be common. Sometimes when the pets are small and untrained they can urinate on the couches. They can result in the growth of germs and bacteria which can lead to many diseases and infections. Pet urine stains can permanently damage the couches. To get rid of these urine stains, you can use homemade remedies. In case you are looking to hire the best Couch Cleaners in Adelaide, hire professionals at Karls Couch Cleaning Adelaide.
To know in detail about how to get rid of pet urine stains from the couch, read the blog carefully.
Try These Easy To Follow Tips:
Use Enzyme Cleaner- Enzyme cleaner is used for cleaning all types of biological stains. This cleaner can create a quick chemical reaction that can neutralize the urine. Enzyme cleaners are also available in general stores and can also be made at home. You can spray this solution on the couch stains and then wipe them away with the help of a wet cloth and then you can use a clean, dry cloth to blot away the stains.
Use Salt- Salt is another best method to remove the pet urine stains from the couches. Salt helps in absorbing the stains and odour from the couches.
Step 1- Sprinkle enough salt on the stains. Make sure you cover the whole area with salt which allows the salt to absorb the whole stain.
Step 2- Leave the salt for a few hours so the salt soaks up all the stains from the couches. Wait until the stains start looking dry.
Step 3- Once the salt absorbs the stains, you can use a vacuum cleaner and remove the salt from the couch. And then you can inspect it and repeat the process if necessary.
Vinegar And Dishwashing Liquid- This is also one of the best mixtures used to get rid of pet urine stains. This method is mainly used if the pet's urine is dried up. It is a very popular and handy method that is useful to get rid of many types of other stains too. Vinegar is also useful in removing the bad smell and giving a great natural odour after cleaning. You can check our blog 5 Proven Ways to Remove Water Stains From Upholstery.
Step 1- Mix thoroughly a 50/50 solution of vinegar and lukewarm water in a spray bottle. You can also mix them in a container. Now add 1-2 drops of dishwashing liquid to the solution. Make sure there is not too much foam being created in the solution.
Step 2- First test the solution on a small area and if it works you can use it for the urine stains.
Step 3- Spray it directly on the stains and wipe it with a clean dry cloth and then let it dry for some time for better results. You can repeat the process for better results.
Get Professional Help If Required
In case you are looking to get rid of all the tough stains and you are busy with your work, you can hire professional cleaners. Hiring professional cleaners is beneficial in many ways. They help in saving money, and time and also give effective couch cleaning services. In case you are looking to hire the best couch cleaners in Adelaide, hire professionals at Karls Couch Cleaning Adelaide. With an experience of over 30 years, they provide top-notch couch cleaning services at reasonable prices. You can hire them by giving them a call.
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