Structural Steel Uses

Steel Fabricator

Structural Steel Uses

Steel is one material that has been known to be used for different applications. This is all thanks to its versatility and durability.

When it comes to construction, different types of steel can be used for different things. You can check here to learn more about this. Among these various types is structural steel.

Made up of carbon and iron, this material has certain characteristics that make it a very good construction material. These include ductility, toughness, yield strength, hardiness, and so on. Some of these characteristics may be intentionally highlighted or downplayed in the material by tweaking the composition.

However, regardless of the physical properties of the alloy, it is among the most workable and durable construction materials. This makes it a common material used for a variety of purposes. In this article, we will be considering structural steel and its many uses.

What is Structural Steel Used For?

Typically, you’d find structural steel in construction applications. However, this alloy can also be used in other industries such as mining and energy.

In mining, it can be used for certain infrastructural needs on-site. You can find it in mining screens and fluidized bed builders.

It is also used in the production of natural gas, nuclear power, electricity, and wind in the power and energy industry. Some applications such as wind turbines, transmission towers, gas wells, and pipelines have structural steel parts.

However, as it is most commonly found in construction, we will focus on that in this article. Therefore, let’s look at some of the uses of alloy in this industry below.

Parking Spaces

Gone are the days when parking spaces were made solely with reinforced concrete. Nowadays, they are made by combining different materials. In these hybrid constructions, it isn’t uncommon to find structural steel among these different materials.

They often serve the purpose of providing support to the concrete columns. It is the best choice for this as it provides support to the columns as well as the parking space’s different levels.

These types of parking spaces are more lightweight and easier to construct than concrete ones. This method also maximizes utility as it provides more space within the structure.

High Rise Buildings

When it comes to high-rise structures, there are so many requirements that constructors must adhere to. A significant one is the structural support of the building. The building must have enough support to help it withstand natural disasters like earthquakes and storms.

Steel can provide the necessary support these buildings need and that is why you’d find it in their construction. This material is used to make different components for the building including plates, bars, pipes, sections, beams, and so on.

As long as these are constructed properly, they will be strong enough to support the building against wind pressure.


You’d agree with us that a bridge has to be as strong and durable as possible.  According to an excerpt in this article, Australia has about 53,000 bridges. Among them, the most popular ones will have nothing short of thousands of different vehicle types driving on them every single day.

Without the proper strength to support this force being put on it daily, these bridges will collapse, resulting in serious damage. This is why structural steel is used to construct bridges.

It’s a tough alloy that gives bridges the hardiness they need to carry and support heavy loads without cracks. It also requires little maintenance while doing this.

However, it is known to be prone to corrosion. To combat this issue, this alloy may go through a secondary process like galvanization. This will protect it from environmental elements, therefore, making it less susceptible to corrosion.


Regardless of the size of the warehouse, this material can be used in constructing it to ensure durability. While it can be used for various things within the structure, it is commonly used for the main structuring like beams, bars, pipes, and so on.

In this application, this alloy can serve both functional and decorative purposes. While exposed beams give the structure the support it needs, it also gives a nice look to the structure.

Another great thing about this material in this design is how easy it is to install.

Agricultural Infrastructure

In the agricultural world of today, several techniques such as irrigation have gone through so much evolution that modern materials can now be used to perform them.

Due to this, it is not uncommon to see structural steel being used for certain agricultural operations. You may find this alloy used for some agricultural structures like barns, chicken coops, sheds, and even silos. It can also be used for fencing the entire farm.

What is a Structural Steel Fabricator?

The thing about this impressive material we’ve been talking about so far is that it needs to be made into workable units. This is where structural steel fabricators come in. These are professionals who fabricate this alloy into workable units and shapes so that they can be used for construction applications.

These professionals have to cut, bend, weld, coat, and blast the steel to make it usable. Simply put, they take basic steel and transform them into shapes that are ready to be used.

They often work alongside drafters and detailers who give them the designs and drawings they are meant to create. Fabricators are required to have several skills including the ability to pay attention to details. This is the only way they’d be able to properly deliver on the products they create.

Different industries often need the services of these professionals as we’ve learned that the material is used across different industries. However, your chances of working with a fabricator are higher if you work in industries like construction, mining, auto manufacturing, civil infrastructure, and shipbuilding.

Some common products fabricators make include skids, grating, trusses, pipe racks, ladders, platforms, bar joists, universal columns, and universal beams. However, a fabricator can also make custom projects based on your needs.


Structural steel is used across various industries for various applications. This is because of the physical properties that this alloy possesses. However, for it to become a workable piece, a fabricator needs to transform it into one. So, if you work in certain industries, chances are you most likely will need the services of a steel fabricator.



Structural Steel Uses

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