Important Aspects Of Personal Dosimeter


Important Aspects Of Personal Dosimeter

A personal noise dosimeter is highly effective when it comes to measuring the noise in accordance with a set standard. The popular work noise standards are ISO 9612, OSHA, MSHA and ACGIH. These noise standards are fully configurable with a PC software and also easy to store on the memory of a dosimeter. A noise dosimeter of this kind is highly portable and consists of a microphone. It also includes the ability to exclude any other vibrations that can affect the noise measurements. This article goes on to provide the important aspects of a noise dosimeter and the importance of using a noise dosimeter calibration device. 

Importance of using a Noise-Dosimeter

Exposure to impulsive sound can be very damaging to our ears. Some of the workplaces that have such issues include law enforcement places, military personnel, construction sites, manufacturing units, mining sectors, etc. The human ears are highly sensitive and are easily affected by loud noise. In fact, our ears find it hard to distinguish between various loud noises like the difference between a lawnmower and a loud concert both at 90dB. It is also hard to distinguish between realisedloss of hearing since it happens slowly. 

Our normal conversation is usually at 60dB while the sound emitted from a chainsaw is 110dB. It is important to note that a sound level over 140 dB will cause a great level of discomfort and pain to the ears. This level of sound will also cause instant damage to the ears which is often referred to as sound-induced hearing loss at a workplace. This type of ear damage is easily preventable by investing in the right type of device.

Features and Usage of a Noise Dosimeter

Some of the features of this device include a shock-resistant microphone, Bluetooth capability, various calibration options. It is also highly compact, lightweight, and robust. This is a very useful device that is useful for many different tasks. Noise is an issue for many different types of workplaces, one of the most obvious one being a construction site. A construction site is an extremely loud place with jackhammers and nail guns which have the potential to damage your hearing. This device can help individual workers ensure that they are not being exposed to high decibel sound over an extended period of time.

Benefits of Noise Dosimeter Calibration 

All devices you use should ideally meet the required standards and regulations. A noise dosimeter calibration unit is useful for calibrating a measuring instrument. Calibration is very important to ensure the noise measuring instrument is working in the right manner. 

In fact, almost all measuring devices are required to be calibrated like the sound level meter calibrator. There are many benefits of using a noise dosimeter calibration device as listed here:

  • If the information being collected by a noise dosimeter is meant for legal purposes, for example, to show that the workplace noise levels are in compliance with the noise standards as per the OSHA. 

  • It is essential to use this type of calibration device to ensure the readings will be valid. Calibration is also important when the measurement data is to be used for hearing protection and noise control products. 

  • If the information of the measuring device is to be used for environmental compliance or for planning an application, it is vital to first calibrate it. 

  • In all ideal conditions, it is best to calibrate the device both before and after usage to ensure the readings are correct.

  • The reading of the device in question can be a reason for debate if there was no calibration conducted prior to using it. 

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