Avoid Bad Luck: Steer Clear of These Unlucky House Numbers

Astrology, Spiritual & Genealogy

Avoid Bad Luck: Steer Clear of These Unlucky House Numbers

Ever wonder why certain houses stay on the market longer or sell for less? It could be the house number. Some numbers are considered unlucky in certain cultures and folklore. If you're in the market for a new home, you may want to steer clear of these supposedly cursed house numbers. After all, who needs bad vibes and misfortune?

The Infamous Number 13

Steer clear of house number 13. This unfortunate number has been considered unlucky for centuries in many cultures. Some historians believe it stems from Christian beliefs, as there were 13 people at the Last Supper before Jesus was crucified.

Others point to Norse mythology, where 12 benevolent gods were gathering for a feast when the 13th uninvited guest, Loki, caused mischief. This led to the death of the God of light (Balder.)

In architecture, many high-rise buildings skip labeling the 13th floor. Some airports and hotels don't have a Gate or Room 13. Even walking under a ladder, which forms a triangle shape with 13 rungs, is thought to bring bad luck.

The number 13 phobia even has a name: triskaidekaphobia. Those afflicted may avoid traveling, making big life decisions, or even getting out of bed on the 13th day of the month.

While there's no scientific evidence that 13 is one of the inherently unlucky house numbers, its long and storied history of being associated with misfortune and peril has firmly cemented it as a number to be wary of. When house hunting, you may sleep better at night in a home with a "12A" address instead of the ominous number 13.

666: The "Number of The Beast" With Devilish Associatins

If 666 is part of your house number, you may want to consider changing it. This number has been associated with the devil for centuries and is considered by many to bring bad luck.

According to Christian beliefs, 666 is the "Number of the Evil or Beast." In the Middle Ages, people feared the Antichrist would bear this number. Even today, 666 retains its sinister connotations and connections to Satan in popular culture.

Having 666 in your address could make buyers wary and hurt your home's value. Neighbors may even avoid interacting with you altogether due to the negative associations with the number! Some homeowners have reported strange happenings and a generally spooky feeling in houses with this unlucky number.

Why take the chance? When it comes to your home, it's better to be safe than sorry. Steering clear of this unluckiest of numbers could help ensure smooth sailing ahead for you and your house.

4: An Unlucky Number In Chinese And Asian Cultures

In Chinese and other Asian cultures, the number four is considered very unlucky. This is because the Chinese word for "four" sounds similar to the word for "death." For this reason, many Asians will avoid house numbers containing four, like 14, 24, or 34.

Some view the number four as a bad omen and believe it will bring misfortune. Homes with a "four" in the address number usually sell for a lower price or are never sold. Many Asians also avoid giving gifts in fours, traveling on the fourth day of the month, or attending important events on the fourth day. Hospitals and hotels in Asia often skip the fourth floor in their floor numbering to avoid offending guests and clients.

If you're selling a home with an unlucky number, you may want to adjust the asking price or consider a renumbering. For buyers, you'll likely get a good deal on one of these "unlucky" homes. Just be aware that future resale value could be impacted. Some suggest a cleanse or blessing of the home after moving in to improve the energy and offset any perceived bad luck.

While the number four superstition is most prevalent in Chinese and Asian cultures, many Westerners also view the number 13 as unlucky. Some of the same stigmas and impacts on home sales apply. When house hunting, keep an open and pragmatic mind. Focus on the home itself and whether it meets your needs - the number on the front door is just that, a number. With an optimistic outlook, any perceived "bad luck" can be overcome.

5: Instability And Chaos

The number five is associated with instability, chaos, and unexpected changes. Houses with a street number five may experience frequent moves, job losses, or health issues. The occupants of these homes often feel like they have little control over events happening around them.

If you're looking for a stable, peaceful life, you may want to avoid purchasing or renting a house with the number five in the address. The energy of the five number can create a feeling of being unsettled and not knowing what's coming next. The unexpected seems to happen frequently for those living at an address containing five.

Of course, for some thrill-seekers and adventurous types, the chaotic energy of the number five may be appealing. If constant change and unpredictability don't faze you, a house with the number five could suit you well. You'll never experience a dull moment!

For most, though, the five number brings a desire for more security and stability. If you end up in a house with a five in the address, adding elements of routine, planning ahead, and establishing stability in other areas of life may help offset the erratic quality of the five energy. Placing grounding accents like rocks, crystals, or wood elements in the home can also help anchor the space.


While the odds of misfortune actually striking are small, why tempt fate if you have the choice? When it comes to where you live, you want to feel as comfortable and optimistic as possible. Avoid house numbers 13,4, 5, and 666. At the end of the day, though, a house is just a house—it's what you make of it and the memories you build within its walls that really make it a home. Superstitions aside, choosing a place you genuinely connect with is the surest way to find your own little corner of happiness. May good fortune follow you wherever you end up!


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