A Better View on the Auditory Processing Disorder Treatment

Education & Learning

A Better View on the Auditory Processing Disorder Treatment

We're all familiar with deaf problem, the condition that renders individuals fully hearing impaired. However, a lesser-known condition is one that allows people to hear but makes it difficult or impossible for them to interpret the sounds that they hear-- speech, in particular. This condition is known as Central Auditory Processing Disorder, or CADP. As CAPD makes it extremely difficult for individuals to differentiate between several sounds, it may manifest in ways that make it difficult for children to participate in school. Auditory Processing Disorder treatment is a must one to fight the disease. For example, they may have a difficult time in understanding their teacher speaking when their classmates are also conversing and may ask for instructions to be clarified multiple times, leading to frustration or even feelings of inadequacy. For these reasons, signs of the condition may at first appear to be a type of learning deficiency, as children may struggle with tasks such as spelling, reading, and considering any information offered in words by their teachers, parents, or peers.

ADD children and APD children may look very similar, but their root cause and the concurrent treatment- needs are much different. While attention disorder is primarily treated through medication, processing disorders can be treated through scientifically developed programs and therapist techniques. These processes are designed to enhance the way the brain transfers information and makes the necessary correlations between signal and meaning. Before beginning treatment for Auditory Processing Disorder, an evaluation by a Speech/Language Pathologist or Audiologist, who is experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of APD, will work better nd proves ultimately beneficial. In summary, caution should be made in the diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder without the evaluation of a possible Auditory Processing Disorder.

There is hope for both ADD children and APD children. With correct diagnosis, persons dealing with the effects of these two disorders can achieve better cure and improvement in their pursuit of personal life goals and ambitions.  In APD, the person hears what is presented to them, they just lack the ability to understand the meaning of what is said to them. Many noted scientists correlate APD as a significant cause of dyslexia.  It should be noted that in some situations, both disorders do coexist and treatment needs will also need to coexist. On the other hand, APD occurs when the information that what the patients hear is not processed and coordinated correctly in the brain. For some, the complicated chain of events in auditory processing presents barriers and is overlooked.

This can result in false or inaccurate diagnoses. Sometimes a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) is not ADD at all but is a deficit in attention secondary to an auditory processing deficit treatment. In other words, the auditory processing deficit causes the individual to look like he/she is not paying attention. Why, you ask? Imagine you are in a bad cell phone area.  If the reception does not clear up, you hang up, only to try later. You have lost your attention and concentration on the call. Does that mean you have ADD? Hardly so! For someone with an auditory processing deficit a similar scenario occurs on a regular basis. As an example, he or she is sitting in a classroom with a teacher lecturing. Only every second or third word is being processed properly.

Before too long, the frustration level rises, and attention and concentration are lost, the situation needs improvement. An observer can check the lack of attention and may come to the conclusion that the student may have ADD. But the conclusion would be incorrect. However, when reported to a parent and then to a doctor, the wrong treatment regimen is undertaken leading to more frustration and failure. 

It is important to clearly identify the sources of the problem in auditory processing deficits. Different medications can affect each of the different auditory functions. However, only an expert should consulted for the Auditory Processing Disorder treatment. With proper treatment, the situation may get improved.


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