Does My AC Need An Air Filter?

Air Conditioning Repair Service

Does My AC Need An Air Filter?

The air filter is a principal component of your air conditioner's healthy functioning. But an air conditioner can run without an air filter. But I recommend you do not try giving it a shot. As the name signifies, you can use an air filter to collect the dust and debris from the air. This aids the heating and cooling units in releasing treated air to the environment. 

But it is not at all safe to leave your heating and cooling system open to dust and debris. Here in this article, We will be discussing the potential risks that an HVAC may expose without installing an air filter. You should hire air conditioning repair service for these issues.

Risk 1- The condensing unit is an important component of your air conditioner. It drains moisture and then accumulates it onto the pan. Collecting the moisture is one of the principal duties of an air conditioner besides cooling. If there is a deposition of dust in the frown pipelines, then there will be blockage of water flow. Debris will gather inside your system along with water. This is the most congenial environment for fungal growth.

Risk 2- Why did you install an air conditioner? Of course for the purpose of keeping your interior space cool and maintaining the humidity. If you stay in a road traffic area that is day and night under the clouds of dust you cannot expect your house to be clean of dust. You can sometimes observe a cycle of dirt and particulate matter swirling inside your house. The air quality has subsequently decreased. Your AC will absorb all that. 

Risk 3- There is a connection of condensing units outside your house with the Freon tubes inside. The Freon tubes are usually coated with copper. They are always exposed to water and moisture. So if you are thinking of starting an air conditioner without an air filter, the unfiltered air will flow through these tubes. Unfiltered air means there is a collection of dirt and debris on the fins of the condensate. This is a potential reason for the deposition of algae and mold. This air when released inside your house may lead to breathing problems. 

Risk 4- You can clean the Freon tubes by regular maintenance. But the dirt and debris always find a way to deposit. These particles can deposit on the fine aluminum ductwork. You can't clean these duct lines thoroughly by DIY air conditioning techniques. You may need to hire a professional for it. They have the right tools to reach such narrow locations. 


We hope the above risks may have acknowledged you with the benefits of installing an air filter. You should arrange for a stock of disposable air filters. You can replace the air filters every 1-3 months. In case there are pets in your house or you live in a polluted area, the frequency of replacing the air filters may differ. It is an investment related to heating and air conditioning repair you are never going to regret. Necessary steps are taken now to ensure tension-free summers with zero inconveniences.

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