Air filters are the most used item at your home. Proper maintenance and replacement can keep your atmosphere healthy for a longer period.
There is not a single factor on which you should determine when to change your air filters. But below are the following points.
Which you should keep in mind before replacing Air Filters.
As per experts a proper time period for replacing Air filter is between 80-90 days.
It is directly proportional to the number of days with the amount of dirt, dust and allergies present in it. Here are the Following Points give below helps you to split system air conditioning repair.
Here are the Following Points One Should Keep in Mind for Replacing Air Filters:-
In case of Asthma and Allergies - An American based foundation AAFA working for welfare of people suffering from allergies and Asthma stated in its report that a person can have asthma and Allergies not only because of the poor quality of outdoor air but also indoor air can affect a person's lungs. The Indoor Pollution level can actually be worse than outdoor pollution.
In the case of infants and senior citizens- You know how important it is for infants and senior citizens to breathe clean air and having a good air filter can help you with this. To keep air quality fit for infants and seniors you should always replace your air filters at an interval of 2-3 months.
Usage- Replacing air filters can directly depend upon the usage of air conditioner and hot furnace. If you are using these electrical appliances for the whole day then definitely the amount of dust and dirt present in its air filters will be more. If your usage is not too much then your air filter replacement time can differ from 2-3 weeks.
Size of room ,house and members at home - Size of room, house and members at home matters a lot if your room size is bigger, than air filters will have to work a lot in maintaining temperature and if you have a small and conservative family air filters will have to work less, more the work is there more amount of dust and dirt will there and more recently you will have to replace your air filters.
If these tips are not helpfulful to you then you should hire air conditioning repair experts.
Reasons You Must Know Why You Have to Change Air Filters.
Heating & cooling, ventilation and conditioning systems can damage important parts if air filters are not changed from time to time.
Dirty Air filters can make fans work more harder hence in future can cause problems to fans.
Can attract unwanted guests like insects which again can become problematic for households.
Replacing Air filters from time to time can help in overcoming issues like blockages and choking.
Proper replacement of air filters from time to time can avoid disease related to inhaling.
Proper replacement of air filters can keep your air duct and other appliances upto date.