How Do I Respond To Unwanted Robocall

Business Services

How Do I Respond To Unwanted Robocall

Have you been receiving a robocall trying to sell you a product or reminding you to subscribe to a newsletter? Almost all automated calls are illegal, but this has not stopped them from using this illegal method to make a sale or even reach out to their customers. Automated calls which are illegal may warrant the telemarketer some legal consequences. These can be termed as phone scams since they invade an individual’s privacy and are entirely nuisance. The unwanted calls may even cost you money that could have been saved for future use. The best thing you can do is to ensure you don’t answer these calls but hang up. You should be able to recognize automated phone calls for you to seek compensation from the telemarketers.

Unwanted Robocalls
If you have been called by a phone number that resembles a corporate number, it's most likely a telephone solicitation, if it’s a nuisance; you have the right to file a lawsuit for unwanted robocalls. Under the TCPA laws, a telephone solicitation is a compute dialed or an auto-dialed call. These may be text messages, voice recordings or even pre-coded messages. The FCC is committed to ensuring telemarketers do not trick customers. Most of these robocalls are tricky to determine .Thus, they have tackled the unwanted calls on many fronts they deem fit. According to the Federal Trade Commission, every year over a million complaints relates to phone scams. Meaning, telemarketers use all the tricks possible to get you hooked up on the line. Once they succeed, they use false promises or other hostile sales pitches to steal confidential information from you. At no point should you receive official communication through threat.

How Can I Spot A Robocall?
The spam caller can use spoofing tools to ensure you answer the phone call. For instance, they may trick your caller ID into displaying a corporate number of which you will be tempted to pick. If someone calls through a corporate number and claims to be your medical doctor and insists you must buy your pack of drugs before they go off the market, how do you know whether this is legitimate or a scam? To understand the difference in such circumstances, you need to know what to look for. You may not be able to call back the company using their official number. If the telemarketer is genuine, then they won’t mind being called back using the same number, nor would they care if you hang up. If someone called you pretending to be your doctor, your business partner or your bank, you can raise a complaint to ensure the person or company faces the legal consequences. The best part is that the FCC has some actions against telemarketers or companies who mask their identity to make the nuisance calls. The FCC:

Allow consumers to use blocking services
Allows phone companies to block any unwanted calls before they get to your mobile device. While some cellular providers have caller block tools, a phone subscriber must take the step to opt-out from using them.
Work hand in hand with phone companies to combat spoofed robocalls with caller ID authentication. Call authentication is vital to protect consumers from being spoofed by robocalls that seek to defraud vulnerable individuals.

How Should I Respond To Robocalls

If you have been receiving unwanted calls or texts, you have the right to file a complaint. But before that, you should hang up immediately and block the number. The FCC protects consumers from these phone scams. To ensure you are safe, you should:

1. Not answer calls from phone numbers you don’t recognize
2. Check for a spoofed call: This is when a caller ID displayed shows a different number form the one being used to call. If you happen to receive such a call, you should hang up immediately.
3. Enroll for a do-not-call list: You need to be cautious even after registering; most of the illegitimate companies don’t have respect to the do-not-call lists. If such happens, you can file a claim to get compensation for the law violation. Having your number on the list don’t make these spam callers stop. However, it makes it easier for you to spot them.
4. Don’t give out any information, the caller may ask for. The caller may ask for your bank account number or other personal information
5. Recorded voice: If the caller requests that you hit a certain button, this may be a trick
6.File a complaint with FCC with the help of your lawyer: If you are fed up with illegal calls, you can contact a lawyer to help you file a complaint. An experienced lawyer will provide the tips you need to help you get what you deserve. Your lawyer will also help you learn more about the unwanted calls and how you can sue telemarketers who have violated the law.

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