What Causes Poor Oral Health?

Dental Clinic

What Causes Poor Oral Health?

Oral health is something everyone should take care of throughout their lifetime. If you want to get genuine and perfect dental health, you must check out the reasons what causes poor oral health. When you know about the causes, it automatically brings out the precautions for prevention. So what are you waiting for now? This post is for all those readers looking for the reasons for poor oral health and other factors and aspects of oral health to lead a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. Pick a Emergency Dental Implant for that very day.

One more thing must be considered: do not take oral health lightly. It is not a matter to neglect or ignore. Even if you have to take care of your dental care health for a lifetime and prioritize at the very utmost, it can cause or affect overall health problems. 

Know The Facts About Dental Issues And Oral Health

Dental cavities and gum diseases are shared among all. Nowadays, everyone is facing cavities and gum problems. There are some facts that WHO has stated about oral and dental health, which are: 

  • 60%-90% of school children have tooth cavities problems. 
  • Almost 100% of adults have at least one minimum dental cavity. 
  • 15%-20% of adults between the age of 35-45 have severe gum problems. 
  • 30% of older adults between 65-75 do not have natural teeth. 
  • It has been estimated that oral health has affected up to 3.5 billion people. 
  • Most oral diseases are caused by sugar consumption, alcohol consumption, tobacco use, poor hygiene, and having wrong meals that are not good for health. 

Know The Conditions What Cause Poor Oral Health

The mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some of them are natural inhabitants of your mouth and shouldn't be removed. They pose little danger at low concentrations. However, an acid-producing bacterium thrives in the circumstances provided by a sugar-rich diet. As the acid destroys tooth enamel, cavities form.

Due to the inflammation, the gums start to separate from the teeth. By doing so, little holes are formed into which pus might accumulate. Periodontitis is the advanced form of gum disease. Few reasons for What Causes Poor Oral Health are listed below:


Brain function may be impacted by dental health. Infected gums emit substances that have been shown to destroy brain cells and contribute to amnesia. Gingivitis may lead to Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia if the bacteria in the mouth travel down the nerve pathways or into the circulation.

Acute Respiratory Illness

Damage to the respiratory system might arise from neglecting mouth hygiene. An infected tooth or inflamed gum may cause bacteria to spread throughout the mouth, which can then be inhaled or absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to the lungs. The germs may cause respiratory infections, pneumonia, acute bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).


Diabetics are already at an increased risk of developing infections, including gum infections that may lead to periodontal disease. However, periodontal disease can make managing diabetes much more of a challenge. As blood sugar levels fluctuate erratically due to gum disease, symptoms may become more severe. People with diabetes should pay particular attention to their dental health to reduce the risk of further health problems. Poor dental health is associated with an increased risk of diabetes because of the link between gum disease and elevated blood sugar levels.


While it's well known that poor oral hygiene habits like smoking and using tobacco products may increase the risk of mouth and throat cancer, recent research has also connected gum disease to a broader range of malignancies. Still, wondering What Causes Poor Oral Health? Bad dental health is associated with an increased risk of developing kidney, pancreatic, and blood cancers.

Kidney Failure

Several organs and systems are affected by chronic kidney disease, including the heart, bones, and blood pressure. Periodontal disease is only one example of a systemic infection that may progress to kidney disease. Infected gums are a common symptom of gum disease, and those with weak immune systems are more prone to become sick. Kidney illness is common among those with poor dental health. If unchecked, the renal disease may progress to kidney failure or cardiovascular disease, which can be deadly.

To Conclude

We hope you understood the causes of poor oral health. So, if you like to avoid conditions like kidney failure, cancer, diabetes and dementia due to bad oral health. Make sure to pay attention to your teeth regularly. For better oral care, do consult a dentist on regular basis. If you want to know How Does Oral Health Impacts Overall Health? than you can contact our experts.

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