Tips To Lower Energy Bills This Summer

Air Conditioning & Heating Installation

Tips To Lower Energy Bills This Summer

Nothing makes one feel exhausted than the heat of the sun which is present billions of kilometers away from us. All we need this summer is a cool place, whether it be at work or for just chit chatting with someone! 

But heat adds up more when you see your electricity bill! Haven’t you felt that? 

The heat caused by the former, no one can actually do something about it, but we can control the heat caused by the latter! 

So to get rid of the latter heat we will discuss some ways and hacks by which you lower your energy bills next summer. You can do air conditioning repair with own by the help of these tips.

  • Switching to Renewable sources 

Well one cannot install hydroelectric power plants or windmills at their house! But solar panels are a great option for Renewable sources of energy. 

Solar panel converts the solar energy, yes the energy of the sun to electrical energy and also stores it in the battery. By this even if electricity cuts down at your house you still use electricity! 

Also the more electricity generated by the solar you use the more you are cutting down on electricity provided to you, so it’s kind of free electricity you are generating with your solar panel. 

  • Task usage of electrical appliances 

This is a very smart move to reduce your electricity bill. This moves could include using reading lamps when you are reading instead of lighting the whole room, using table fans instead of ceiling fans etc, this move certainly saves a lot of energy and increases electricity efficiency at your home 

  • Using microwave and kettles 

Microwaves and electric kettles use more electricity! Well it’s a partial myth! 

Well for prolonged use, yes it does consume more electricity however compared to oven and gas stoves. One can use microwaves and electric kettles for smaller cooking tasks. 

The net effect would actually surprise you that it actually decreases your electricity bill! 

  • Sleep mode for devices

Your laptop, TVs, PCs etc can actually consume

a lot of energy due to the fact that we use this almost 24/7 at your home. Switching it off when not in use is wise and has been advised to us from childhood itself. Well for some devices switching on and off could damage the functioning of the device itself. So, we tend to keep it working 

Here you can use the sleep mode that can substantially decrease the electricity consumption up to 40%. Sleep mode is present in every laptop and smart TVs. Use it so that even if your electricity bill rises next summer it will be like the sleep mode rise! 

  • Maintenance of your Cooling devices 

Maintenance of heating and cooling devices such as AC, Refrigerator, Coolers etc must be done before summer and according to the heating and cooling service experts must be done By annually. 

This maintenance includes cleaning and replacing air filters, coolers, checking ducts and other connections which actually increases energy efficiency and reduces your electricity bill. 

Hopefully the above little hacks will help you out to be cool without paying too much.


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