Frequently, you have heard many times that possums have rabies & many other Diseases. Due to that your first intuition is likely to rush, and this is natural. However, it’s a misconception. Many other animals carry rabies, but possums have an advantage. The major reason possum is that they do not come in contact with rabies because their body temperature is less as compared to other creatures, this is the reason possum body is less welcoming of rabies infection. Therefore, there are various types of diseases that you can get from these possums and they can be harmful to your family as well. So, learn about Possum Removal Adelaide and the threats they can give to individuals.
If you want to know, do possums carry diseases or parasites? Then the answer is yes, possums do carry diseases.
There are various diseases that possum gives to people and pets through urine and feces such as leptospirosis, tuberculosis, coccidiosis, spotted fever, tularemia, and other diseases as well.
1. Leptospirosis
After getting a bite from possum you can suffer from a disease named Leptospirosis. In addition, you will face symptoms like the flu. It can also cause kidney failure, brain damage, liver problems and even people die in a small number of cases. Mainly you can find this disease in the feces and urine and you will come up against it when you disturb feces.
2. Tuberculosis
It is also named bovine tuberculosis and possums are agents of bovine tuberculosis (TB) and they circulate the infection to deer and cows and oxen. Later people suffer from large boils and scratches which give an enormous number of TB bacteria. Symptoms of this disease are a constant cough that continues for more than 3 weeks and brings mucus that can be bloody, night sweats, swelling in the neck, high temperature, sweating in the night, loss of appetite, weight loss, tiredness, and fatigue. Thus, without getting late, treat this infection early to avoid the risk.
3. Coccidiosis
It is the disease that is a parasitic disease that you get when you come in contact with a possum and spread by the feces this disease is not treated on time, then you can suffer from these symptoms such as drowsiness, lack of personal desire to eat food, droopy dull or glazed eyes. So, without any delay, if you are experiencing these symptoms, then treat it by a medical expert quickly.
4. Spotted fever
After coming in contact with a possum you can face another infection which is spotted fever. If a person is going through these symptoms such as fever, headache, rashes, muscle ache, loss of appetite, motion sickness, vomiting, and stomachache, then it means you are suffering from spotted fever and you must treat it as soon as possible.
5. Tularemia
This is another disease that you get from possums after getting in touch or after getting a bite. The symptoms that you can face from this disease are a sore throat, ulcers, and swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck. This is one of the serious forms of tularemia. It also includes symptoms such as cough, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, diarrhea, pneumonia, inflamed eyes, and skin ulcers. So, if you are finding these all issues, then quickly take help from a medical expert.
6. Buruli bacteria
Buruli ulcer develops gradually over some weeks. However, sometimes it progresses faster. Initially, you cannot observe ulcers. Also, it can happen anywhere on the body, but mostly you can observe on the areas such as ankles, back of calf, knees, and elbow. Moreover, this infection may not develop with pain and fever. You can also read our blog on Helpful Tips To Controlling The Possum Population Around Your House.
It's essential to get rid of the possums as soon as possible otherwise you will have to face various diseases that are mentioned above. These diseases can be very harmful to you and your family. Thus, if you are getting any disease from possums immediately contact a medical professional to save yourself from the disease easily without any harm.