Do Possums In Roof Can Cause Damage?

Pest Control

Do Possums In Roof Can Cause Damage?

Having possums can be a very common problem people might face in Australian cities. Possums are small-sized animals that are actually considered pests. They can create a lot of problems for you and your house. Possums usually feed on dead animals which is the reason they are known as scavengers. Possums can also cause problems for your property. They can damage your roof and also damage your furniture too. They must be removed as soon as possible in case you find them in your house. You will require professional help in order to get rid of the possums from your house. To know in detail about how Possum Removal From Roof, read the blog thoroughly. 

Some Of The Common Problems Caused By Possums In The Roof- 

Possums can cause a lot of damage to your roof. Some of the common problems are given below- 

Breaking Roof Tiles- In case you find any damage to the tiles in your roof, it may be due to the presence of possums in your house. 
Ceiling Damage- Most times, you will find a damaged ceiling which could be one of the main indications of the presence of possums in your house. In case you find cracks and scratches in the ceilings, there are chances that possums are present in your house. 
Chewed Electrical Wires- Sometimes you might find chewed wires in your house, especially in the ceilings and roofs. This is another indication of the presence of possums in your ceilings and roofs. Although this can also be an indication of the presence of other pests such as rats and mice. You can check our blog What Are Possum Traps And Where To Buy Possum Traps?

How To Get Rid Of Possums From The Roof?

There are many ways through which you can get rid of the possums from your roof. Some of the best ways are given below- 

Possum Repellents- In order to get rid of the possums from your house, using a possum repellent can be your best option. There are many types of possum repellents but using natural repellents can be the best of all. You can use crushed garlic, mothballs or ammonia that has a strong smell which helps in repelling the possums from your house. 

Place Motion light sensors- This is also one of the best methods to get rid of the possums from your roof. In this method, all you need to do is place the light motion sensors in the areas where the possums visit frequently. Possums are very much afraid of the lights so this will scare them away and they won’t return back. 

Use Sounds- Using sound to repel the possums is another common method used by professionals. You can use any object with a high-frequency sound that can scare away the possums from your house. There are many sonic emitters available in the market which can be placed on roofs to scare away possums. 

Get Professional Help- it is very important to get rid of the possums early before they cause more damage to your property and hiring professionals can be very much helpful to you. This will not only make your job easy but will also help you in saving a lot of time and money. In case you are looking for the best possum control service providers in Melbourne, no company can be better than 711 Possum Removal Melbourne. You must get this help on time, otherwise, you may need to repair your roof as well. 

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